The Florida Atlantic University College of Arts and Letters
Dr. Jose Leonardo Leon | Founder & Coordinator
(Minimum of 12 credits required)
The Undergraduate Arts and Performance Entrepreneurship minor and certificate provide artists, writers and performers the entrepreneurial skills needed to forge their freelance careers. This program is meant for anyone whose career trajectory is likely to follow the freelance model. Students may earn this minor or certificate by completing 12 credits: two required entrepreneurship courses (6 credits) and two additional electives in their area of concentration (6 credits).
Description/ Information
The minor is available to all undergraduate degree-seeking students and may be earned upon successful completion of the coursework above and the simultaneous completion of a bachelor's degree at FAU.
The certificate is available to degree-seeking students, non-degree students, and working professionals. Students pursuing the certificate may apply for it in the College of Arts and Letters Office of Student Academic Services upon successful completion of the coursework.
Students cannot obtain both a certificate and a minor. Each program requires 12 credits, with minimum grades of "C" required in all courses for the minor and certificate. For the minor, at least 9 of the 12 credits must be earned at FAU.
Timely Graduation
Minors and certificates should be considered an optional direction for elective credits. Students may not add a minor or certificate without permission from an Arts and Letters advisor (and main college advisor if different). Students are generally not permitted to add a minor/certificate after earning 90 credits or if completing it will result in an Excess Hour Surcharge.